1. Divine Word School welcomes all students irrespective of their caste and creed. They are accepted as they are and helped to grow towards their full potential.
2. Admission is open to boys and girls on the basis of merit and availability of seats. The child will be put through written examinations and interviews to test his or her elementary literacy and intelligence. Parents are interviewed for their understanding of the type of education offered and their ability to co-operate in it.
3. New admissions, if any are granted only according to the availability of seats and according to the merit list of the Eligibility test conducted by the school
4. The management reserves to itself the right of admissions.
5. The ideal age of starting in KG I is three and half years on 1st June.
6. False declaration of the student’s age is a disqualifying factor and subsequent discovery, by the school authorities, of such declaration is sufficient ground for the dismissal of the student.
7. Pressurizing the administration through recommendations will automatically debar the candidate from admission
8. Pressurizing the administration through recommendation will be automatically debar the candidate from admission
9. Every candidate must be introduced by the one who will be responsible for the candidate’s conduct, studies and regularity. Both the parents are necessary
10. The child seeking admission in Divine Word School for standard 1st and above are made if seats are available, on receipt of following documents.
a. The original mark sheet of the last annual examination taken.
b. The Transfer Certificate
c. Good conduct certificate from the head of the school last attended.
d. Two passport size photos.
11. Parents/guardians are to present during the time of admission.
12. New pupils must be introduced personally by one who will be responsible for their regularity, conduct and fees etc.